Electrónica Industrial y Automática

The Degree in Industrial Electronic and Automatic Engineering is a degree with a long tradition in our country and in the rest of the European university systems. It has deep roots in the Canary Islands, being the origin, together with other degrees, of the creation of the Polytechnic University, embryo of the current University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

The future graduate falls within the regulated profession of Industrial Technical Engineer, with full professional attributions in the field of Industrial Electronic and Automatic Engineering. He is a professional with a specialized vision, aware of the necessary technological foundations related to the design, projection and development of analog, digital and power electronic systems, as well as control and industrial automation systems.

You will be able to work effectively in the fields of analog, digital and power electronics, system modeling and simulation, automatic regulation and control techniques and their application in industrial automation, as well as the principles and applications of robotic systems, industrial computing and communications.

The Degree in Industrial Electronic and Automatic Engineering is a degree adapted to the European Higher Education Area and, as such, allows the student to benefit from the following advantages: