11 Dic 2022

Proyecto de investigación co-edu: Competencias transversales desde la EIIC para su ecosistema social

El pasado 22 de noviembre se presentó el trabajo de investigación titulado Learning experience design with Maker Education en el International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education de la conferencia ICWL-SETE 2022 celebrado en Tenerife. Es la primera actividad de difusión de resultados del proyecto de investigación co-edu: Competencias Transversales desde la EIIC para su ecosistema social.

28 Jul 2022

Carreteras sostenibles con geomateriales volcánicos

Desde el Laboratorio de Ingeniería de Carreteras (LICAR) del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil se vienen desarrollando desde 2014 varias líneas de I+D+i sobre “Infraestructuras de transporte seguras y sostenibles en entornos insulares y de geomateriales volcánicos” con los siguientes objetivos: - Empleo de materiales locales, como es el caso de los áridos volcánicos porosos de tipo marginal que, si bien resultan los más abundantes en regiones volcánicas, habitualmente son desechados en las canteras. - Recuperación, reutilización y reciclaje de los materiales, tanto los empleados en esas mismas infraestructuras (asfalto reciclado), como los procedentes de otros procesos industriales (residuos), sistemas de transporte (caucho procedente de neumáticos fuera de uso) o residuos de consumo (envases de plástico, etc.). - Desarrollo de tecnologías de producción de materiales para pavimentación con bajos consumos de materias primas y energía, además de reducida generación de emisiones y residuos, mediante técnicas de fabricación a bajas temperaturas y de análisis del ciclo de vida. - Desarrollo de materiales que permitan pavimentos de larga duración con extenso ciclo de vida, mediante un diseño y construcción adecuados, así como operaciones de conservación que posibiliten extender su durabilidad de forma indefinida. Para ello, se han desarrollado: a) Nuevas técnicas no destructivas para la auscultación de los deterioros en sus etapas iniciales. b) Nuevas técnicas de autorreparación de los deterioros, de bajo consumo energético y rápida ejecución (minimizando interrupciones en el tráfico), que posibiliten la autorregeneración de las propiedades del asfalto fisurado. Más información en: https://eldigital.ulpgc.es/noticia/2020/11/02/aridos-volcanicos-para-carreteras-mas-sostenibles Termografías por infrarrojos de la fabricación a temperaturas más reducidas (130-140 ºC) de mezclas asfálticas con caucho procedente de neumáticos usados (reducción del 20% en consumo de energía y emisiones) Ejemplos de diferentes tipos de mezclas asfálticas con polvo de caucho procedente de neumáticos usados y áridos volcánicos marginales Mezcla asfáltica con plástico (PET) triturado procedente de envases desechados: izquierda) detalle de PET granulado reciclado; derecha) Aspecto de la mezcla bituminosa con PET y árido volcánico

1 Jun 2022

Competencias transversales desde la EIIC para su ecosistema social

Este proyecto se orienta hacia la mejora de las competencias transversales de los estudiantes de la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales y Civiles (EIIC) de la ULPGC a través de un aprendizaje experiencial que se llevará a cabo principalmente en el nuevo Taller de Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial, Las Cocinas, de la EIIC. Más información

30 Dic 2019

Francisco González,Juan J. Aznárez,Luis A. Padrón,Orlando Maeso

Benefits of inclined pile foundations in earthquake resistant design of bridges

A B S T R A C TThis paper studies the effects of the use of inclined pile foundations on the seismic response of bridges, andshows that this type of foundation is able to promote significant reductions in the ductility demand of reinforcedconcrete piers. To this end, a set of nine multi-span roadway viaducts with different pier heights and span lengthsis defined. Each configuration is designed and dimensioned in detail following a displacement-based approach, considering both linear and non-linear expected behaviours and assuming different target ductilities for piers.The systems are assumed to be founded on a specific soil profile, and suitable pile foundation layouts anddimensions are determined for each case, with four different pile rake angles (including the vertical case) in each configuration. Soil-structure interaction phenomena are incorporated through the corresponding frequencydependent impedance functions and kinematic interaction factors. The transverse response of the viaducts, subject to a set of seven suitable scaled real accelerograms, is computed and analysed making use of a substructuring approach and non-linear time-domain analysis in which a lumped parameter model is adopted to represent the foundation response. Results, presented not only in terms of ductility demand but also of energy dissipated in the structural system by damping or by yielding, suggest that inclined piles are clearly beneficial tothe seismic response of bridges, contributing to significant reductions in ductility demand due to the particular kinematic seismic response of this type of foundations and associated reductions in the input seismic energy to the system. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.109873

11 Abr 2019

A. Ruiz García,I. De La Nuez,J.J. Santana

Groundwater Quality Assessment in a Volcanic Mountain Range (South of Gran Canaria Island, Spain)

Abstract The lack of rainfall in the Canary Islands′ Archipelago is leading to the depletion of the existing aquifers throughout the islands, above all in the easternmost isles (Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura). Due to the increasing water demand in the southern area of the Island of Gran Canaria, appropriate planning has become necessary in order to avoid the depletion of the phreatic water resources that can be found there. One of the most affected areas is the Amurga Mountain Range, where the existing aquifers are depleted, as shown in the Hydrological Plan of Gran Canaria. The aim of this study was to characterize the hydrochemistry of the above-mentioned groundwater bodies. Water quality monitoring was carried out over a period of five years, involving the survey of a total of 288 samples (over 4300 tests). The water from those aquifers has the characteristic of being fairly mineralized, with a prevalence of Cl−, Ca2+ and Na+ ions, salinity levels reaching 8646 mg/L, and chloride levels up to 4200 mg/L. The waters of these aquifers can be divided into two basic types, i.e., those containing high levels of sodium chloride, which can be found around the Tirajana Gorge; and the waters rich in magnesium chloride and sodium sulfate in the Arguineguín Gorge, as well as in the Amurga Massif itself. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/11/4/754#

1 Ene 2019

A. Ramos Martín,A. Ruiz García

Different boron rejection behavior in two RO membranes installed in the same full-scale SWRO desalination plant

Abstract Today, one of the main targets of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) membrane manufacturers is to increase boron rejection. For drinking water, the regulations in Spain are quite strict in terms of maximum boron content. The aim of this work is to propose a prediction model for average boron permeability coefficient as boric acid by evaluating the fluctuations of boron permeate concentration due to the different operating conditions of the plant under study. The SWRO desalination plant used for this study is located in Spain and has 9 trains with a production capacity of around 7200 m3 d−1 per train. Data from about 1500 operating days were considered. Operating data including pressure, conductivity, flow, temperature, pH and boron permeate concentration were collected during the study period. All racks did not have the same number of pressure vessels or operating conditions. Boron permeate concentration was between 0.5 and 2 mg L−1 for the membrane element TM820S-400 and between 0.25 and 0.75 mg L−1 for the membrane element TM820L-440. The model is based on the superposition of three exponential functions considering the influence of feed pressure, feed-brine temperature and operating time. The obtained results with the proposed model showed more adaptable to the experimental data than previous model.