The double degree program composed of the Degree in Engineering in Industrial Organization and the Degree in Business Administration and Management combines two teachings of strategic interest for the Canary Islands, as they are included as such in the Canarian Strategy document for the Improvement of the Supply of University Higher Education 2010-2020.
Both Industrial Organization Engineering and Business Administration and Management are degrees with a high degree of labor insertion. The Double Degree that is presented collects the competences of the original degrees and puts them in common with the fundamental objective of training widely trained professionals, with a profile that allows them to understand technical problems and propose solutions based on technology in companies and public institutions; as well as a management profile, which empowers them to carry out management and administration functions of the human, productive, economic and all kinds of resources present in the organizations in which they carry out their work.
The Double Degree enables direct access to the Master in Industrial Engineering at this university. The Master in Industrial Engineering is a degree with specific guidelines (Order CIN / 311/2009) that grants full professional powers to practice the regulated profession of Industrial Engineer.
The curricular program includes a total of 384 ECTS credits distributed over 11 semesters, each one lasting 20 weeks. The subjects are divided into 102 credits of basic branch subjects of both degrees, 252 compulsory credits, 24 credits corresponding to the professional projection block, which includes the External Practices and the End-of-Degree Project and, finally, 6 credits optional.