Ingenieria civil

Civil Engineering Degree belongs to the branch of knowledge of Engineering and Architecture. The syllabus developed for this degree focuses on students acquiring a general orientation in different areas of civil engineering.

The syllabus oriented to Civil Engineering Degree features 240 credits ECTS, structured in four years of 60 credits each.

This degree complies with the regulations established on Orden CIN/307/2009, February 9 (BOE no42 of February 18), that establish the requiems for official university degrees’ verification that enable for the practice of the regulated profession of Technical Engineer in Public Works. Because of this, being a graduate of the Civil Engineering Degree allows practicing this profession.

It also grants the student the option of access to a Master Degree. For the case of the Master in Engineering of Roads, Canals and Ports, the Civil Engineering Degree complies with the requiems established in section 4.2.1. of the Appendix of Orden
CIN/309/2009, February 9, that establish the access conditions to the previous mentioned Master Degree.
The minimum number of European matriculation credits per student and school period in this degree is based on the Progress and Permanence Standards of the official degrees of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, which establish the modalities of enrollment in full-time and partial.

This degree will be imparted both in Spanish and English, being 95% of the credits in Spanish and 5% of them in English.

In order to obtain this degree, it is mandatory for the student to have a B1 level of English of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.