Ing Diseño Industrial

The Degree in Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development belongs to the Engineering and Architecture branch of knowledge. The study plan defined for this degree is designed so that the student acquires the necessary training to be capable of developing and managing the entire process in the life of a product.

The study plan leading to the Degree in Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development consists of 240 ECTS credits, structured in four academic years of 60 credits each.

The minimum number of European enrollment credits per student and teaching period in the degree is in accordance with the Rules of Progress and Permanence in the official degrees of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, which establish the modalities of enrollment in time complete and partial.

The languages ​​used in the teaching of this title are Spanish and English with proportions of 95% and 5% of the credits that make up the degree, respectively.

To obtain the degree, the student must have in a foreign language the equivalent of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages