The fundamental objective of the Master’s Degree in Advanced Industrial Technologies and Processes is to provide advanced training aimed at initiation in research activities in the field of knowledge of industrial technologies, and aimed primarily at professionals from engineering degrees. This training allows access to doctoral studies in this field.

The Master’s Degree in Advanced Industrial Technologies and Processes comprises a MECES 3 training level aimed at training to access the doctoral training level in the field of engineering. Therefore, it is proposed as a university master of advanced training aimed at initiation in research activities in the field of knowledge of industrial technologies, and differentiated from the professional approach that other masters in the same field may have, such as the master in industrial engineering. This university master’s degree has a research component, since its design provides the student with the necessary education and training to access the phase of preparing a doctoral thesis in the master’s areas or, additionally, for their incorporation into R + D + tasks. i in companies in the sector. As mentioned, the university master’s degree is proposed as the main access route to the Doctoral Program in Chemical, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (QUIMEFA).

The Master’s Degree in Advanced Industrial Technologies and Processes (MUTPIA) will have a total of 60 ECTS credits, distributed over 2 semesters at a rate of 36 ECTS credits the first semester and 24 ECTS credits the second semester. The subjects taught will contain all the theoretical and practical training necessary for the student to acquire the general and specific skills of the degree. Each ECTS credit is equivalent to 25 hours of student work. The teaching period of each academic year will last 40 weeks and will be divided into two semesters.